We can offer
Collection Only
Delivery Only
Collection & Delivery
You may want to use one of the above services for the following reasons, which operate within our normal hours to day care hours
Train time clashes with our hours
You have an hospital appointment
Going out for the day
Guests coming round and cannot get dog/cat to or from our premises
We can bring our booking form along with us and run through the questions as we would do if you were in our reception. We will ask for the vaccination certificate, which will stay with us until your pet is back with you.
A charge from
£20.00 is made per collection or delivery, which will be added to your overall invoice. You can pay us prior by calling the kennels before collection/delivery or on the doorstep. We cannot accept cheques.
We are here as well if a family member is taken ill. You need the dog/cat to come to us. We will come regardless of the hours and assist. Don't worry about anything. If we know the pet we will have the history and catch up when we know what is happening with the owner.